25 Facts About Me

So considering this blog is fairly new I thought I’d share 25 facts about me with you.

  1. My parents thought I was a devil child when I was little as I’d sit in corners and at the top of stairs and stare at them with evil eyes, they thought I was gonna kill them in my sleep.
  2. I love the rain and snow. I’d rather be really cold and then get all cosy and warm than being hot.
  3. I really like food, but I can be quite fussy.
  4. I’ve met McFly, Tom Hiddleston, Cover Drive and Tilda Swinton.
  5. I don’t know whether I liked children or not I’m very conflicted, but I’ve got a while to think about that.
  6. I can be shy and quiet to certain people and really loud and weird around others.
  7. I used to do dancing (ballet, indian, foxtrot and ballroom) but gradually grew to hate it and moved into more of a drama side and am now doing drama GCSE at school.
  8. Amsterdam, Vienna, London and New York are my four favourite places in the world (even though I’ve never been to New York).
  9. I love shopping.
  10. I’ve never been to Scotland or Ireland.
  11. The only continents I’ve been to in the world are Europe, Asia and Africa.
  12. I love cupcakes, cookies, brownies and baking goods in general.
  13. I’m rubbish at packing.
  14. I occasionally get air sick, especially when the plane lands or starts spiralling the runway, I used to never be able to eat on planes it was that bad. 😦
  15. I sing a lot in private and would love to pursue some sort of career in singing if I was good.
  16. I have a lot of scars on my knees from falling over a lot.
  18. I have too many DVDs.
  19. I love really long trips on trains or in cars (especially if I have my ipod).
  20. I’m in year 10 at school.
  21. I hardly go out for someone who owns so many clothes.
  22. I own too many clothes, my old wardrobe collapsed because I had too many clothes.
  23. I’d love to be an actor or maybe a lawyer.
  24. I can be very sarcastic about 99% of the time.
  25. I’m always tired but I stay up till like 3am on the internet for some reason.

If you want you can leave facts about yourself in the comments, I don’t know why you’d want to but you’d might like to.

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